IC-KDA + ASAD 2025. International Conference of the Korean Dementia Assocition 2025 & 19th International Congress of the Asian Society Against Dementia. May 8th - 10th, 2025. Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Korea.

Travel Grant

Travel Grant Application Guideline

The IC-KDA & ASAD 2025 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that we will be offering travel grants to both domestic and international presenters. These grants will be awarded to those presenters whose abstracts have been accepted and who have fully completed their registration payment.

Grant amount Eligibility criteria Number of eligible applicants
750 USD Abstract and essay* submission
Full conference registrants (05.08~05.10)
One person per abstract
500 USD Abstract submission
Main conference registrants (05.09~05.10)
* Essays can be submitted through the My Page section only by applicants of the Pre-Conference Symposium who have completed early registration and paid the registration fee.
  1. Eligibility and Scope

    Support is provided for one person per accepted abstract for IC-KDA & ASAD 2025.

  2. Grant Amount

    A grant of 750 USD will be awarded to selected presenters who have registered for the full conference schedule and submitted both an abstract and an essay.
    (※ You must apply for the grant during the registration process.)

  3. Eligibility Requirements
    • 1)
      Participants must complete early registration and payment for the conference fee.
      • Early registration and travel grant application are mandatory.
      • Only those registered for the Full-day (May 8-10) or the Main conference (May 9-10) are eligible.
        (※ Those who register for a One-day pass on either May 9 or 10 will not be eligible.)

    • 2)
      Grants will be awarded based on the current affiliation of the abstract presenter.
      • Foreign nationals residing in Korea will be considered domestic participants and eligible for the domestic travel grant.
        (※ Foreign residents in Korea should apply for the domestic participant travel grant.)
  4. Application Instructions

    Apply for the travel grant through the abstract submission page by the abstract submission deadline. (February 28, 2025).

    저자 입력 이미지
  5. Grant Distribution

    The travel grant will be distributed on-site during the conference to presenters who attend and deliver their presentations, and after the abstract has been selected.

    • Required documents: Proof of expenditure (receipt or remittance confirmation).
    • Detailed information on the grant status and document submission will be individually notified via email to those who apply for the travel grant.

Dealine for Application:
February 28(Fri), 2025

지원금액 신청자격 지원인원
등록비 지원 초록 제출
메인 학술대회 등록자 (05.09~05.10)
초록당 최대 2명
  1. 지원 대상 및 범위

    IC-KDA & ASAD 2025에 채택된 초록 1편당 최대 2명 지원

  2. 지원 조건
    • 1)
      IC-KDA & ASAD 2025 사전등록 및 등록비 결제 완료한 참가자
      • 사전등록 및 Travel grant 신청 필수
      • Full-day(5/9~10) 신청자에 한하여 지원
        (※ 5/9 또는 5/10 중 One-day만 등록할 경우 대상자에서 제외)

    • 2)
      초록 발표자의 현재 소속기관을 기준으로 지급
      • 국내에 거주하는 외국인의 경우, 국내 소속기관을 기준으로 국내참가자 travel grant로 지원.
        (※ 국내 거주 외국인은 국내참가자 travel grant로 신청하시기 바랍니다.)
  3. 신청 안내

    초록 접수 마감일(2025년 2월 28일)까지 Abstract Submission 페이지에서 Travel Grant 신청

    저자 입력 이미지
  4. 지원금 지급
    • 1)
      초록 선정 이후, 현장 참석 및 발표가 확인된 발표자 대상 계좌로 지급
      • 제출서류: 지출 증빙서류(영수증 또는 송금확인증), 통장사본(개인 명의 계좌로만 송금함)
      • Travel Grant 를 신청한 선생님께는 지원 현황 및 서류 제출 요청 등 이메일을 통해 개별 안내드립니다.

Deadline for Application: February 28(Fri), 2025

Organized by 대한치매학회 Asian Society Against Dementia
Supported by Korea Tourism Organization SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT Seoul Tourism Organization